- East Rutherford School District
- Overview
The East Rutherford Board of Education will provide courtesy busing to and from McKenzie and Alfred Faust School for the 2015 – 2016 school year. Below are scheduled pick-up and drop-off points. No unscheduled stops will be permitted.
The times indicated are MORNING pick-up schedules, students who are members of the following classes are required to take the first scheduled bus as noted below from their area to avoid overcrowding which is prohibited by law. Buses will closely adhere to time schedules
Grades 5 & 6 7:20 A.M.
Grades 7 & 8 7:40 A.M.Grades 2 – 4 8:00 A.M.
Grades K & 1 8:15 A.M.BUS STOP #
0. Uhland & Grove Streets
1. Vreeland Ave. & Civic Center
2. Randolph Ave. & Memorial Park
3. Grove St. & Mozart Street
4. Central & Oak Street
5. Herrick & Hillside Terrace
6. Carlton Avenue & McKenzie School
7. Locust & Carlton Avenue
8. Monarch (Route 3 East)The times indicated are AFTERNOON pick-up schedules.
Grades K & 1 3:06 P.M.
Grades 2 – 4 3:28 P.M.Grades 5 – 8 2:40 P.M. & 2:54 P.M.
Note: Due to traffic and weather conditions students should be at the bus stop in advance to avoid missing the bus.