• East Rutherford School District Pre-K Program

    Dear Pre-K Program Parents & Guardians:

                                        East Rutherford School District Pre-Kindergarten Registration

    The East Rutherford School District’s online Pre-Kindergarten registration will commence on March 1, 2025 and
    must be submitted via Genesis by March 31, 2025, at 8:30 AM for the 2025-2026 school year. Children must be
    4 years old on or before October 1st to enter Pre-K 4. Children must be 3 years old on or before October 1st to
    enter Pre-K 3. Before and aftercare programs for the Pre-K students will be determined pending enrollment.
    Please click on the following link, which will take you to the registration platform (erboe.net/domain/1245) or
    visit the district’s website at www.erboe.net.

    All Pre-K 3 & 4 students are highly recommended to be potty-trained by the start of the school year.
    However, it is not mandated. Due to the fact we are PEA funded, we have a fixed number of seats available in
    each session and all programs are full-day only. All current Pre-K 3 students moving to Pre-K 4 will be given
    top priority in securing a spot within the Pre-K 4 program but will be required to re-register. All other parents
    who are interested in securing a spot in the Pre-K 4 and Pre-K 3 programs will be selected based on a lottery
    system. Please see the procedures below for the District’s lottery system:

    • At the time of registration, each registrant will be entered into a system that will randomly select names.
    • At the close of the registration period on Monday, March 31, 2025 at 8:30 AM, all applications
      will be placed in order according to the randomized name drawing.
    • Parents will be notified of their child’s assignment by May 15th, 2025.
    • Seats will be assigned according to this drawing and based on the selected program for the 2025-2026
       school year.
    • Please note that our Pre-K program is for East Rutherford residents only.

    Please complete the online registration (found on www.erboe.net under the Registration Tab), and upload the
    required proofs of residency, your child’s birth certificate or passport, custody documents (if applicable), and
    immunization records/physical. Additional required forms can be found on our website and must be uploaded
    at this time (i.e. Home Language Survey, Authorization for Exchange of Confidential Information, etc.).

    Required documents for proof of residency are: a property deed, sewer or tax bill or rental lease. You will also
    need one bill from the following list: current utility bill, current phone bill or voter registration and one of the
    following: current financial account/bank statement, current pay stub with address or current state agency
    document (Please note all statements and bills should be the current month with your current address of your
    submission of your registration).

    Other prerequisites for admission to the East Rutherford School District are a current physical examination
    completed by your medical provider and proof of immunization against:
    • DPT: Any student entering Pre-Kindergarten requires a minimum of 4 doses.

    • Polio Oral Trivalent Vaccine: 3 doses are required for Pre-K.
    • Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR): Any child entering Pre-Kindergarten needs a minimum of 1 dose.
    • Haemophilus influenza type B (HIB) vaccine (an anti-meningitis vaccine) 1 dose required after the 1
      st birthday.
    • Mantoux - TB Test required if a student is coming from a specific country listed on thewebsite.
    • Hepatitis B Vaccine Series: 3 doses are required for entrance.
    • Varicella Vaccine: 1 dose after 1 year of age, or history of Chickenpox disease documented by a
    • Pneumococcal: Minimum of 1 dose required after the 
       1 st birthday.

    • Influenza: 1 dose annually given between September 1st 
       and December 31st of each year for all Pre-Kindergarten students.
    • Vaccines are reviewed by school nurses prior to entrance into school.